Monday, October 09, 2006

< eom >

It's not been a secret, but I'm fairly close to being done with the embeea. I've accepted the offer, and am completely and totally psyched about it.  (Recruiting, no mas!) 

In a few weeks I'm off to Singapore, for my last quarter.  Surrounded by all the exchange students at the I-house as I am, and hearing about their experiences, I can't wait to go abroad.  It's going to be awesome.  In addition to all the travel-in-the-plans (Malaysia, Indonesia) I'm also looking forward to working for SFDC in Singapore.  I've never worked anywhere outside of the bay-area.  Though I don't think anything else can (or will ever) compare, working in Asia should be fun!

Classes are going well.  Operations is a little boring, but my group is awesome, and "The Goal" is a page-turner!  Pricing is interesting.  Entrepreneurial Finance & Private Equity is a lot of work, but again, my group is awesome.  New Venture Strategy -- that's a mixed bag: Schrager is a blast.  He's funny and he's entertaining.  For some reason though, I've been unable to participate in class -- which is a problem, because it's 30% of the grade, so that'll have to change, and soon.  See, he wants people to be pithy.  Which is a very noble requirement to have in an MBA class.  But he's also very picky.  He wants only certain things said, in a very certain manner.  If you're close, that doesn't quite cut it, and he'll tell you you're wrong, and move on.  Unless, you're unlucky, in which case you get to do "Go time"  -- role playing the case with him, on the fly.  He's good, but I can't figure him out.  And I hope I get something out of the class, other than his (highly) entertaining stories.

I'm in the bay-area for the weekend, and for Dreamforce.  Oh, what glorious weather!  My car said 85 degrees. 

Deepti has been busy partying.  This weekend was Wharton's Walnut Walk, described as "a Wharton tradition which involves visiting various drinking establishments in central Philadelphia with students 'dressed to impress' from the waist up, and 'dressed to digress' from the waist down."  Let me tell you, "dressed to digress" hardly says it; I've seen the pictures. :)


Blogger Gaurav said...

I have read "The Goal". It is a page turner indeed.

10/11/2006 1:05 AM  

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