Monday, October 03, 2005

first week of classes

First week of classes is behind us. It was hectic. It's not just that
classes started, and pre-class assignments (readings, mostly) had to be
done, and study-groups were to be formed and homeworks were to be
worked on . No, additionally, we had LEAD and Career Services -- each
a 3-hour time-chunk, a Mocktail to attend (we got to practice networking
skills at mock corporate presentations complete with 2nd-year students
pretending to be recruiters), TNDC to go to, and all the usual stuff
that goes on. It's a giant juggling act. It's not like I've never been busier. It's just getting used to the unstructured life we were so in love with, back in undergrad.

I cleaned out my email-situation a little bit this past weekend, and finally got around to paying off 2-month old bills. Doubled my cell-phone minutes, because I was way over. Still need to buy a desk, clean out my place et al. Note to self: I still haven't handed in my checks for the student-groups that I'm signing-up for.

There was this latin-American party that had to be attended on Friday. (No really, it had to be attended. It rocked.) Saturday brunch was at Salonica (nice!) followed by some homework, followed by a late-nighter at a party at a fellow GSBer's in Lincoln Park. Sunday was more homework, followed by the ritual trip to Devon, and unfortunately, a not-so-nice dinner at Indian Garden. And so there you have it. Which is such a pity, because the weather was absolutely gorgeous this weekend, and I couldn't do anything about it -- I mean, didn't find the time to ride my bike or go for a run... :(


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