Friday, September 23, 2005


At a go, I've discovered the identities of three of my heretofore
anonymous blogger classmates. Le Voyageur, Alator and Poweryogi have all
been unveiled. Wakechick is known too (but only from her pictures.)
To tell you the truth, I didn't do any "discovering" -- I just asked

A couple of classmates told me that they chanced upon my blog. So
that's cool. Someone's reading all this sh*t.

Gaurav -- you guys start practicing hard. BTW, how are your apps
shaping up?


Blogger Le Voyageur said...

Damn! And here I thought Poweryogi and Wakechick would be the only ones 'unblogged' quickly... ;)

9/23/2005 10:24 PM  
Blogger mandar said...

I should have figured it out sooner. There were some dead giveaways :)

I like your blog. And the fact that you read Frank Herbert!

9/24/2005 12:57 PM  
Blogger Le Voyageur said...

A fellow Frank fan - excellent! Though I have to admit that I'm not reading much of him these days. I'm more into Stickney and Weil... ;)

9/24/2005 4:12 PM  
Blogger Gaurav said...

Argh, my writer's block has extended to weeks instead of the expected days. I am really behind on essay writing and I know I will have to burn the midnight oil pretty soon..The problem is I write and edit at the same time and after one hour I still have one paragraph. Need to change my attack strategy.

9/25/2005 2:19 AM  

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